< . Food grade lubricating grease.
.< .>Product introduction: Excellent lubrication performance used in places with indirect contact with food. It is an aluminum-based mixed grease #US D specification-approved for contact with food.>
.>< .>Application scope: It can be used in food machinery industry and food production processes such as breweries, canning plants, dairy processing plants, food machinery such as rolling bearing transmission devices, etc.
.>< .>Features:
.>. Certification registration
.>. U.S. Drug and Food Specification D - Can come into contact with food
.>. Prevents rust and oxidation and can withstand heavy pressure
.>. Operating temperature-to()
.>. Non-toxic, no impurities
dr = .> .> .> = .> .>Model number
= .> .>Net weight
= .> .>Per Number of boxes
.> = .> .>
= .> .>
= .> .>
Supplied to the United States CRC SL35600 food grade lubricating grease